
Seeks long-term capital appreciation through investment in equities of medium to large capitalization companies (including preferred stock or convertible securities) issued by companies worldwide.


Emphasizes diversification across companies in different regions and industry sectors, primarily in developed markets; may invest up to 30% in companies in emerging markets.

Fund Facts
Asset Manager
  • Scott Investment Partners LLP
  • Los Angeles Capital Management and Equity Research Inc.
Benchmark EUR Class: MSCI All Country World Index (Euro); USD Class: MSCI All Country World Index (USD)
Fund Inception Date EUR Class: February 23, 2015
USD Class: May 25, 2017
Mimimum Investment EUR Class: €50,000
USD Class: $65,000
Expense Ratio EUR Class: 1.30%; USD Class: 1.30%

Annual Average Total Returns
(%) as of

Trailing 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years
World Equity Fund (EUR) 2.72 25.69 9.96 11.57 *
EUR Benchmark 3.81 22.08 9.57 12.64 *
World Equity Fund (USD) 1.98 23.36 6.29 10.24 *
US Benchmark 3.01 19.92 5.94 11.28 *
MSCI All Country World Index (USD) -0.95 27.98 13.14 * *
Calendar Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
  • Returns are presented net of fees and include the reinvestment of income and past performance is not indicative of future results. Net of fees includes management fees, operating expenses, and fee reductions and/or expense reimbursements. See the fund prospectus for additional information.
  • Since inception performance for each benchmark index is calculated based on the inception date of each corresponding Fund share class and reflects no deduction for fees, expenses or taxes.
  • 2Q 2021 Performance Review

    12-Month Review

    • Overweight allocations to Consumer Discretionary and Materials had a positive effect to relative results. The underweight to Utilities helped to offset some of the negative allocation decision results. Holding transactional cash was a drag on performance.
    • Security selection in aggregate also had adverse effect.

    3-Month Review

    • Aside from Utilities, sector returns were positive, with some stronger than others. Overweight the Consumer Discretionary was the biggest detractor within benchmark relative allocation effects followed by the underweight to Health Care. The underweight to the poor performing utilities sector helped to offset some of the negative results.
    • Relative results were hurt by selection decisions.
    • The overweight allocation to the Japanese Yen, which weakened versus the Euro during the quarter, hampered relative results as the Yen weakened versus the Euro.

    Current Positioning:

    • The Fund indicates a bias toward value over growth with a lower that market P/E ratio.
    • Sector allocations include overweight in Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Energy Materials and Information Technology and underweights in Financials, Communication Services and Health Care.
    • The Fund is positioned for long term economic growth at reasonable prices.
  • Fund Fact Sheet

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