CBIS has been a sponsor of US SIF since 1992, and this year will again sponsor its annual conference in Chicago, May 10-12. At this year’s conference, A New Climate for Investing in Impact, investors, CEOs and policymakers will convene to discuss new approaches, trends and policy developments in the field of sustainable, responsible and impact (SRI) investing.
CBIS’ Tracey Rembert, Assistant Director, Catholic Responsible Investing, will be a panelist for the session, “Shareholder Advocacy in the New Climate,” that will cover how sustainable investing practitioners view corporate engagement as an important tool in helping to reduce risk and ensure value over the long term for publicly traded companies in their portfolios. Tracey will discuss recent trends to hamper the ability of investors to use various shareholder engagement tools and how coalitions of active investors are responding. She will also address CBIS’ work on a range of human dignity, environmental and economic justice issues, a summary of which can be found in our latest piece, Impact & Justice.
If you plan to attend the show, please stop by for the panel discussion:
May 11
4:55 to 6:05pm CT
JW Marriott Chicago