In the fall of 2017, CBIS and faith investors met with Anadarko to discuss a holistic water management approach to ensure that communities’ access to water is not jeopardized. The company was receptive to CBIS’ recommendation to identify and map community concerns around its operations.
In January 2017, CBIS and investors engaged in a productive dialogue concerning the company’s methane emissions reduction, water management, and community engagement. CBIS provided input regarding the inclusion of the human right to water and sanitation in their human rights policy, citing that the company has made an adequate start by mapping stakeholder concerns with their operations. In response, Anadarko is willing to receive more feedback and resources to help to further develop an implementation of a human rights-based approach to water assessments.
In early 2015, Anadarko launched this update to the corporate social responsibility section of its website. Advocating for better corporate disclosure and transparency is one of the means shareholders use to hold companies accountable and to push for improvements. The new website includes enhanced sections on air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, water management, and stakeholder engagement, all issues that we have discussed with the company. CBIS and other investors also provided feedback to Anadarko on its recently adopted Approach to Human Rights (also on the new website) which explains how Anadarko considers human rights in relation to its operations. We pushed Anadarko to move beyond a compliance approach (e.g. complying with local human rights regulations) and seeking to avoid human rights violations, and instead explore ways to promote and protect human rights among its stakeholders.